Terms of Service

* Please see bottom for TL,DR (Too Long, Didn’t  Read) version.

* 🚫 You do not have my permission to use my work for NFTs, in AI training, anything involving AI, or anything involving using my work without permission and/or to make money off of it. 🚫 *

01. Customer Satisfaction & Accommodation

01a. Please contact me if you have any questions. I strive to make sure my commissioners are comfortable and do not wish to cause them harm or distress. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to ask.

01b. If you have a learning/reading disability or have a difficult time understanding my Terms of Service please feel free to email or text me. I will be very willing to answer any questions or concerns.

02. General

02a. All commissioners are expected to read and understand my TOS. If you don't want to read all of it, please see the TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read) section. If there are things you don’t understand, or phrasing that confuses you, please feel free to let me know.

02b. If you disrespect me on purpose, speak in a blatantly aggressive manner, demand things of me, express bigoted, racist, or obscene opinions or request art of the following nature you WILL be BLOCKED and REPORTED to the proper channels.

02c. If a disagreement arises due to a misunderstanding, we can communicate this to each other as mature people. I do not enjoy conflict with other people and will try my best to resolve it in the best way I can.

03. Payment

03a. Commissions are charged based on an hourly rate of 16$ and the average time I take to complete them. All commissions must all be paid in full before I begin working.

03b. Receiving payment before a commission is complete ensures that I am compensated for my  time and effort. I am being paid for a service, if I accept the commission(s), and the payment, the artwork(s) will be completed and delivered.

04. Process

04a. Please provide references and clear instructions for your commission(s). I will ask for additional references if what you provide is unclear. If detailed instructions are not given, after asked, I will exercise creative liberty in its design/posing, etc. (This does not mean I will change the design provided. Only that I will fill in elements that were unclear and/or decide the posing.)

04b. If you would like more WIP (Work In Progress) images sent during the art process please inform me. I typically send an initial sketch, an updated sketch (if there are changes), one during lineart, and the finished piece.

04c. Commissions may take up to 7 days to be completed. This time may vary due to the quantity of commissions I have received. The commissioner will be updated and informed if this changes. Information and factors that may affect a commission, as well as time it may be delayed, will be provided. Detailed personal information will be excluded.

04d. (SKETCH) When I begin a commission I will make a rough sketch (most likely on paper) that will be scanned and sent to the commissioner. During this step you are expected to inform me of missed details or pose changes. This must be done before I begin work on the lineart. I will always ask if changes need to be made.

04e. (LINEART) When working on lineart, small changes can be made if details were mistranslated during the sketch and approval phase. Major changes will not be permitted unless a fee is paid for the time taken to change them. A minimum 15$ fee may be charged for changes big enough to warrant them. (This will be discussed with the commissioner.)

04f. (COLORING) Changes can be made during the coloring process. My recent process of picking colors is by eye, as to give my art a touch unique to me. If one is not perceived correctly please inform me. If I cannot determine the correct color, or if asked by the commissioner, I may simply color pick all of the colors from the image(s) given as reference.

04g. (SHADING/RENDERING) If your commission(s) requires it, shading/rendering will be done last. I will not make major changes to shading/rendering unless the initial instructions stated a specific lighting type that I missed. If major changes are requested, and the mistake was not a fault of mine, the minimum fee of 15$ may apply.

05. Copyright / Usage Policy

05a. As the artist, I have every right to the created artwork(s). This means that I have the right to use the art created to post on social media, promote myself or my commissions, ect. This can change if requested by the commissioner. However, I am still able to make the final decision.

05b. As the commissioner you are allowed to use the commissioned artwork for personal use only. This means you are allowed to post it to social sites, but I must be credited as the work’s creator. You may also use it as profile pictures, with credit, or phone backgrounds/wallpapers.

05c. You are not allowed to reproduce the work and make money off of it in any way, shape, or form. Unless you have purchased Commercial Rights to the commission(s).

05d. A purchase of Commercial Rights starts at a minimum 300% times the amount paid for the commission(s). This can be discussed with me and can change or increase depending on the nature of the commercial usage.

05e. If you have purchased Commercial Rights you may make merchandise, or promote yourself with the artwork. (Credit for the commission(s) is preferred, and requested.)

06. Cancelation/Refund Policy

06a. If I have started work on a commission only half of the total price can be refunded. If I have accepted your commission, and payment, and I have not begun work on it when you decide to cancel it, 100% of the final price can be refunded. A commission cannot be refunded after it is completed.

06b. If a commission is canceled for any reason you will not receive the remaining images that I have created for it. You may keep the images already sent to you, however by canceling the artwork you forfeit any rights to them. If you have been sent links to the artwork(s) they will cease to work after you cancel the commission(s).

06c. If you cancel a commission you do not retain any rights to the piece. You may not post it anywhere (even with credit) and you may not use it (not even for personal use).

06d. If you cancel a commission with the intent of scamming me and I discover this intent, you will be added to a Public Blacklist on social media as a warning to others you may try to “commission”.

07. Too Long Didn't Read, Summary

01. Customer Satisfaction & Accommodation

01a/b. Please let me know if you have any questions. For any reason.

02. General

02a. You are expected to have read my TOS or at least have skimmed it. Even reading this TLDR section is appreciated.

02b. Don’t disrespect me. I’m a person. Be kind and I'll be kind to you. I won’t tolerate racism, bigotry, or any awful behavior. You'll be blocked if you’re a jerk, and reported if you’re just plain racist or acting out to cause problems for fun.


02c. If we have an argument because of a misunderstanding, I want to apologize and move on. It happens, but I still want to male sure we can communicate in the future.

03. Payment

03a. My prices are based on how long it takes me to make them, and at a base rate of 16$/hour. For example, a Bust (shoulders up) drawing takes me about 1 ½ hours. So 1.5 times 16 is 24$.

03b. Getting paid upfront keeps me from getting scammed. It happens a lot to artists.

04. Process

04a. I need references of your characters that are clear and easy to read/see. If something is unclear, your commission won’t look how you want. If you have to describe it, please be specific. If you miss something, I’ll have to ask a lot of questions.

04b. If you wanna see more images during the art process, just ask. I usually send the first sketch, a second if there were changes, lineart, and the final.

04c. Commissions take time. I’m not a machine. I’m a person. Please be patient. Ask me if you think I forgot about you. I probably didn’t. But it doesn't hurt to ask. Nicely.

04d. (SKETCH) I usually sketch on paper because it’s easier for me. If something doesn't look right, tell me. It’s easier to fix a sketch than lineart.

04e. (LINEART) I don’t like changing a lot of stuff once I start lineart. The sketch was supposed to outline everything I needed to draw. So if I have to fix it during lineart, I may charge a 16$ fee for the time it takes me to do it. So please be specific if something needs changed, and please do so during the sketch phase. If I need to change something during lineart, I can. It just takes a lot of time since lineart is supposed to be clean and neat.

04f. (COLORING) I usually pick colors by eye because I see colors differently than some people. It’s fun to see how colors look compared to how I see them. If you just want me to pick the colors directly from a reference you gave, just let me know.

04g. (SHADING/RENDERING) Shading is done last. If you want me to change it completely I will charge a minimum fee of 16$.

05. Copyright / Usage Policy

05a.  I made the art you commissioned. So unless you tell me not to, I'll post the art on social media to promote myself or use it as an example for further commissions. It’s what artists do, and how we get people to see our work.

05b. You can use the I made for you for personal use ONLY. Please credit me if you use it on social media anywhere.

05c. You can't use it to make money off of, or claim it as your own, or use it for any sort of personal gain.

05d. Commercial Rights start at a minimum of 300% times the price of the commission, plus the commission price. Commercial Rights are the permission to make money off my work. If you’re using my art to make money, Commercial Rights are a way for me as an artist to get a cut of those future profits.

06. Cancelation/Refund Policy

06a. Canceled commissions can only get a 50% refund if I have started them already, and can only get a 100% refund if I havent started them at all.

06b. If you cancel a commission, the images you received for it don’t belong to you anymore and you will not receive any more images from me, for the  commission.

06c A canceled commission doesn't belong to you. You may not post it anywhere (even with credit) and you may not use it (not even for personal use).

06d. If you scam me, I’ll warn people about you online so that people know you're a scammer.